These recommendations were produced by Wiltshire, Avon, Gloucester and Somerset (WAGS) Rowing Council.
Short Term Considerations:
Is your club fully secure and closed down.
Are you considering regular checks.
Have fridges and water heaters been emptied and turned off.
Do you need to place rat and mouse traps.
Are boat hatches open.
Are there piles of wet boat towels lying around.
Mid Term Considerations:
Have you conducted a financial review, can this support the BR questionnaire.
Contact your insurance broker to see if they will be willing to reduce the premium as the club is no longer rowing.
Contact CART or EA to reduce boat licence fees (a touchy subject but one worth considering).
Keep an eye out on the BR Club Affiliation process.
Review the ability to rent/ loan ergs to Club members.
Keep engaged with your squads, you will want them to return to rowing. Look at the upcoming BR media for erg and fitness videos.
Contact other Clubs to see what they are doing.
Consider media platforms to communicate with your squads - Zoom, google hangouts, MSTeams have all been praised.
Review your Governance and operational documents and policies. Plan a review cycle to ensure all key policies.
Susan Lightman (Governance Team - British Rowing) has just updated the Safeguarding Policy and will be updating more.
Have you incorporated the BR Codes of Conduct into your Membership packs.
Long Tern Considerations:
Mark Davies is promoting that his Ladders format might be a great way to come back to full rowing activities.
NCC will be reviewing the Competition Calendar in preparedness to reopen in a controlled way.
Review your Competitions and see what can be done to improve, amend or make it easier to restart (given what may come from the NCC).
Be aware that squads may not be ready to return to rowing (technically and physically). Plan a return to rowing training plan to ensure that they can. Consider health and fitness first.
contact your river authority to inform them of the water conditions, offer a hand if suitable, it might be a good club social gathering to start off.